Business Continuity

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Business Continuity

Can you afford to lose data, systems or your business?

What is Business Continuity?

Unfortunately we can all recall events that have seriously impacted businesses over recent years: Manchester City Centre bomb, Manchester BT tunnel fire and the Buncefield explosion and resulting fire are some examples of major incidents which seriously impacted many small, medium and large businesses. What would the effect be on your customers and ability to continue with your businesses if your premises could not be accessed for days or weeks? It is about preparing in advance to survive the impact of a critical incident. It is not just major incidents that need to be prepared for. For example a blown water main or a police road block could prevent access to your premises leaving your staff unable to work.

Who needs a plan?

All businesses, organisations, services and voluntary groups. Being prepared is the key. Plans do not have to be complicated, especially for small businesses. The essential is to have prepared for the worst that could realistically happen and have identified what would help you survive. You may find your business insurance insists on a plan.

What is the risk?

The statistics tell a story on their own.

Less than 10% Survival Rate for Businesses without a plan. (Source: Touché Ross Management Consultants).

60% of Companies, which experienced a loss of normal Telecoms/IT for a period of 10 days, ceased trading within a year. (Source: Henley Management Institute).

15% lose over £1 million, 20% lose between £250,000 and £1 million, 33% lose between £10,000 and £250,000 (Source: Coopers & Lybrand).

The main reason is that companies either have no plan or an insufficient plan is cost.

Amita has an affordable solution that is specifically tailored to our clients and aimed at providing the critical components so that you can continue to trade.

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What does Amita offer for my critical data?

Although the quantity of data on today’s computer networks can be substantial, it is typically only a small percentage of this data that is critical to the company. Amita offers three levels of backup & recovery, tailored to suit the majority of scenarios.

Step 1 - Automated Backup

Amita takes a copy of your critical data every week and a differential copy (everything since the last full backup) on every week night.

Step 2 - Automated Recovery

Amita can (where applicable), restore this data every day to its own servers, automatically.

Step 3 - Always available clients

Amita can maintain a client PC (or PC’s), configured with your client software and pointing at the data on the Amita servers.

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Give me an example please?

Lets imagine that you have a database system in Microsoft SQL server. We take copies of your data every day and restore automatically to our servers. We configure your client application (licenses may be required) in our technology centre.

In the event that you have a disaster, you can actually come to the Amita offices and continue to work with the same data as it was the last time we copied it, should you choose. So I can have automated disaster recovery? Yes.

Are there limitations?

Yes. Some applications (in particular mail servers) have complex configurations that cannot co-exist with other systems at the same time. We can take the data (Step 1), but not restore automatically. There are also bandwidth limitations. We can only take data from your networks that can be transferred in acceptable timescales. This isn’t an Amita limitation, it is the speed of your internet connection. For example, it takes around an hour to transfer 100MB over a standard Broadband connection.

Can you guarantee it?

There are some areas outside of our control. For example, your own servers may be switched off or your internet connection may be unavailable. We automate the steps you ask us to and report their success (or failure) automatically every day. In the event of a failure we will take immediate remedial action. You can visit our technology centre and see the solution in action any time you please

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